02/07/2023 |  | Professor Enkeleida Lushi | New Jersey Institute of Technology, Mathematics Department | "Micro-Swimmers Moving in Complex Confinement" | | |
02/14/2023 |  | Dr. Michel Orsi | City College of CUNY, Levich Institute (research associate with Professor Jeff Morris) | "Simulation of Concentrated Non-Brownian Frictional and Adhesive Suspensions in Linear and Nonlinear Flows" | | |
02/21/2023 | | | NO SEMINAR | Monday Schedule | | |
02/28/2023 |  | Professor Karen Kasza | Columbia University
Mechanical Engineering Department | "Stress Management: Cell Packings and Tissue Flows in Developing Embryos" | | |
03/07/2023 | | | NO SEMINAR | APS March Meeting | | |
03/14/2023 | | | NO SEMINAR | *************** | | |
03/21/2023 |  | Professor Stefano Martiniani | New York University, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics | "The Other Side of Entropy" | | |
03/28/2023 |  | Professor David Henann | Brown University, School of Engineering | "Continuum Modeling of Flow and Size-Segregation in Dense Granular Materials" | | |
04/04/2023 |  | Professor Luc Deike | Princeton University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | "Mass Transfer at the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface: The Role of Wave Breaking, Droplets and Bubbles" | | |
04/11/2023 | | | NO SEMINAR | Spring Recess | | |
04/18/2023 |  | Professor James Bird | Boston University
Mechanical Engineering Department | "The Drainage and Collapse of Viscous Bare Bubbles" | | |
04/25/2023 |  | Professor Michael Zabarankin | Stevens Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematical Sciences | "Inverse Optimization in Electrohydrodynamics" | | |
05/02/2023 |  | Professor Yimin Luo | Yale University
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science | "Molecular-Scale Substrate Anisotropy, Crowding, and Division Drive New Landscapes of Collective Behaviors in Cell Monolayers: Experiments and Modeling" | | |
05/09/2023 |  | Professor Jamel Ali | Florida State University
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering | "Bacteria Inspired Colloidal Swimmers for Propulsion in Complex Media" | | |
05/16/2023 |  | Professor Pierre-Thomas Brun | Princeton University, Chemical and Biological Engineering | Building with Fluids: a Lazy Approach to FabricationLevich Institute Seminar – Tuesday, 05/16/2023 | | |
06/08/2023 | | | |
What can numerical simulation compared to experiment teach us about contact line dynamics | | |