Levich Institute Seminar – Tuesday, 02/07/2023

Tuesday, 02/07/2023
2:00 PM
Steinman Hall #312 

Professor Enkeleida Lushi
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematical Sciences

“Micro-Swimmers Moving in Complex Confinement”

Simultaneous Zoom Link  [Please note passcode is required: blevich]


Interactions between micro-swimmers and solid boundaries play an important role in many biological and technological processes. I will discuss experiments and simulations that aim to understand the motion of micro-swimmers such as bacteria, micro-algae, spermatozoa or active colloids in various confinements or structured environments. Our results highlight the complex interplay of the hydrodynamic and contact interactions of the individuals with each-other and the boundaries to give rise to non-trivial individual and collective behavior.
  • Ph.D.; New York University; Mathematics; 2011
  • B.S.; Simon Fraser University; Applied Mathematics; 2006
  • M.S.; Simon Fraser University; Applied Mathematics; 2006
My research interests lie in the mathematical modeling and computer simulations of problems arising in soft active matter and biological physics. In particular, my work focuses in exploring hydrodynamic and chemotactic interactions of active particle systems, as well as their emergent dynamics in complex flows and various confinements. I work closely with experimentalists to build computational models that are used to elucidate phenomena such as the self-assembly and guided transport of micro-scale colloids or the collective behavior of micro-swimmers.