Seminars – Spring 2019 Semester

Levich Institute Spring, 2019 Semester Seminar Schedule

All Levich Institute Seminars Scheduled on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in Steinman Hall, #312 

[Unless Otherwise Noted]
Click on Date for Meeting Schedule (if any)

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DateSpeakerAffiliationSeminar Title/Notes
02/05/2019Professor Wem YanDr. Wen YanFlatiron Institute, Simons Foundation"Algorithms for Long- and Short-Range Interactions in Soft Active Matter"
02/12/2019                            NO SEMINARHOLIDAY
02/19/2019Casey BesterDr. Cacey BesterUniversity of Pennsylvania
Department of Earth & Environmental Science
Impact into Dry Granular Media: A Collisional Process
02/26/2019Hamed HaddadiDr. Hamed HaddadiCorning, Inc.Fluid Dynamics of Bio-Microfluidic Systems
03/05/2019NO SEMINARAPS March Meeting
03/12/2019NO SEMINAR***************
03/19/2019Jie RenDr. Jie RenMerck & Co., Inc."Soft Matter Systems in Pharmaceutical Formulations:
03/26/2019NO SEMINAR***************
04/02/2019Ulrich SchelerDr. Ulrich SchelerThe Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research
Dresden, Germany
Charge, "Packing and Molecular Dynamics in Polymer Systems Studied by Magnetic Resonance"
04/09/2019Gusttaf MartenssonDr. Gustaf MartenssonMycronic AB, Sweden"Simulations and Experiments of Non-Newtonian Dense Suspensions in Electronics Production"
04/16/2019Professor Kate Stebe
Professor Anubhav Tripathi
Professor Kate Stebe

Professor Anubhav Tripathi
University of Pennsylvania
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Brown University
Biology and Medical Sciences
Bacteria at Fluid Interfaces

"Adsorption and Transport Mechanisms in Developing Molecular and Cellular Diagnostics Platforms"

04/23/2019NO SEMINARSpring Recess
04/30/2019Professor Behrooz FerdowsiDr. Behrooz FerdowsiPrinceton University
Department of Geosciences
"How Much of Rate- and State-Dependent Frictional Behavior of Rocks Can Be Explained by Granular Friction?"
05/07/2019NO SEMINAR***************
05/14/2019NO SEMINAR***************