Unravelling the Secret of Seed-Based Gels in Water: The Nanoscale 3D Network Formation. Samateh, M., Pottackal, N., Manafirasi, S., Vidyasagar, A., Maldarelli, C. and John, G. Science Reports, 8, 7315 (2018).
Self-propelled Colloidal Particle Near a Planar Wall: A Brownian Dynamics Study. Mozaffari, A., Sharifi-Mood, N., Koplik, J. and Maldarelli, C. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 014104 (2018).
Switchable Hydrolase Based on Reversible Formation of Supramolecular Catalytic Site Using a Self-Assembling Peptide. Zhang, C., Shafi, R., Lampel, A., McPherson, D., Pappas, C., Narang, V., Wang, T., Maldarelli, C. and Ulijn, R. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 56, 14511-14515 (2017).
Diffusivity and Hydrodynamic Drag of Nanoparticles at a Vapor-liquid Interface. Koplik, J. and Maldarelli, C. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2, 024303 (2017).
Transport of Biomolecules to Binding Partners Displayed on the Surface of Microbeads Arrayed in Traps in a Microfluidic Cell. X. Chen, T. Leary and C. Maldarelli, Biomicrofluidics, 11, 014101 (2017).
Mixture Effect on the Dilatation Rheology of Asphaltenes-Laden Interfaces. Liu, F., Darjani, S., Akhmetkhanova, N., Maldarelli, C. and V. Pauchard, V. Langmuir, 33, 1927-1942 (2017).
Self-Diffusiophoretic Colloidal Propulsion Near a Solid Boundary. Mozaffari, A., Sharifi-Mood, N., Koplik, A. and Maldarelli, C. Physics of Fluids, 28, 053107 (2016).
Effect of Surfactant on the Break-up of a Liquid Thread: Modeling, Computations, Experiments. Hameed, M. and Maldarelli, C. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 16, 303-311 (2016).
Hydrodynamics Of Particles On An Oil-Water Interface. Dani, A., Keiser, G., Yeganeh, M. and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 31, 13290-13302 (2016).
Sacrificial Amphiphiles: Eco-friendly chemical herders as oil spill mitigation chemicals. Gupta, D., Sarker, B., Thadikaran, K., John, V., Maldarelli, C. and John, G. Science Advances, 1, e1400265 (2015).
Adsorption of rationally designed “surf-tides” to a Liquid Crystal Interface. Badami, J., Bernstein, C., Maldarelli, C. and Tu, R.S. Soft Matter, 11, 6604-6612 (2015).
The Reduction in Aggregation and Energy Transfer of Quantum Dots Incorporated in Polystyrene Beads by Kinetic Entrapment due to Cross-linking during Polymerization. Vaidya, S., Couzis, A. and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 31, 3167-3179 (2015).
Mass Transfer in the Biomolecular Binding of a Target Against Probe Molecules on the Surface of Microbeads Sequestered in Wells in a Microfluidic Cell, Leary, T., Manafarasi, S. and Maldarelli, C. Lab on a Chip, 15, 459-477 (2015).
A Lipobead Microarray Assembled by Particle Entrapment in a Microfluidic Obstacle Course and Used For the Display of Cell Membrane Receptors. Chen, X., Shojaei-Zadeh, S., Gilchrist, L., and Maldarelli, C. Lab on a Chip, 13, 3041-3060 (2013).
Diffusiophoretic Self-Propulsion of Colloids Driven By a Surface Reaction: The Sub-Micron Particle Regime for Exponential and van der Waals Interactions. Sharifi-Mood, N., Koplik, J. and Maldarelli, C. Physics of Fluids, 25, 012001 (2013).
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Motion of Colloidal Nanoparticles in a Solute Concentration Gradient and a Comparison to the Continuum Limit, Sharifi-Mood, N., Koplik, J. and Maldarelli, C. Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 184501 (2013).
Highly Crosslinked Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microbeads With Uniformly Dispersed Quantum Dot
Nanocrystals. Shojaei-Zadeh, S., Morris, J., Couzis, A. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 363, 25-33 (2011).
On the Microhydrodynamics of Superspreading. Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 670, 1-4 (2011).
Atomistic Simulations of the Wetting Behavior of Nanodroplets of Water on Homogeneous and Phase Separated Self Assembled Monolayers. Halverson, J., Maldarelli, C., Couzis, A. and Koplik, J. Soft Matter, 6, 1297-1307 (2010).
Fluorescence Visualization and Modeling of a Micelle-Free Zone Formed at the Interface Between an Oil and an Aqueous Micellar Phase During Interfacial Surfactant Transport. Bhole, N., Huang, F. and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 26, 15761-15778 (2010).
Wetting of Hydrophobic Substrates by Nanodroplets of Aqueous Trisiloxane and Alkyl Polyethoxylates Surfactant Solutions. Halverson, J., Maldarelli, C., Couzis, A. and Koplik, J. Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 4657-4667 (2009).
Modeling the Dynamic Folding and Surface-Activity of a Helical Peptide Adsorbing to a Pendant Bubble Interface. Jain, V., Maldarelli, C. and Tu, R. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 331, 364-370 (2009).
Wetting of Hydrophobic Substrates by Nanodroplets of Aqueous Trisiloxane and Alkyl Polyethoxylates Surfactant Solutions. Halverson, J., Maldarelli, C., Couzis, A. and Koplik, J. Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 4657-4667 (2009).
Imaging and Estimating the Surface Heterogeneity on a Droplet Containing Cosolvents. Fang, Li, B., Wu, J., Maldarelli, C., Sokolov, J., Rafailovich, M. and Somasundaran, P. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 9636-9639 (2009).
A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Motion of a Nanodroplet of a Pure Liquid on a Wetting Gradient. Halverson, J., Maldarelli, C., Couzis, A. and J. Koplik, J. Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, 1-12 (2008).
Dynamic Surface Activity by Folding and Unfolding an Amphiphilic a Helix. Jain, V., Jimenez, A., Maldarelli, C. and Tu, R. Langmuir, 24, 9923-9928 (2008).
Spectral Bar Coding of Polystyrene Microbeads Using Multicolored Quantum Dots. Vaidya, S., Gilchrist, L., Maldarelli, C. and Couzis, A. Analytical Chemistry, 79, 8520-8530 (2007).
Effects of Functional Groups on Surface Pressure-Area Isotherms of Hydrophilic Silicone Polymers. Mehta, S., Somasundaran, P., Maldarelli, C. and Kulkarni, R. Langmuir, 22, 9566-9571 (2006).
Theory and Experiment on the Stagnant Cap Regime in the Motion of Spherical Surfactant Laden Bubbles. Palaparthi, R., Papageorgiou, D. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 559, 1-44 (2006).
A Transport Model For The Adsorption Of Surfactant From Micelle Solutions Onto A Clean Air/Water Interface In The Limit Of Rapid Aggregate Disassembly Relative To Diffusion And Supporting Dynamic Tension Experiments. Song, Q, Couzis, A., Somasundaran, P. and Maldarelli, C. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical Aspects, 282-283, 162-182 (2006).
Arraying of Intact Liposomes Into Chemically Functionalized Microwell Surfaces. Kalyankar, N., Sharma, M., Vaidya, S., Calhoun, D., Maldarelli, C., Couzis, A. and Gilchrist, L. Langmuir, 22, 5403-5411 (2006).
An Infrared Spectroscopy Study of the Hydrogen Bonding and Water Restructuring as a Trisiloxane Superspreading Surfactant Adsorbs onto an Aqueous-Hydrophobic Interface Kumar, N., Maldarelli, C. and Couzis, A. Colloids and Surfaces A; Physicohemical Aspects, 277, 98-106 (2006).
The Absolute Instability of an Inviscid Compound Jet. Chauhan, A, Maldarelli, C.,Papageorgiou, D. and Rumshitzki, D. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 549, 81-98 (2006).
Effect of Beryllium Concentration on the Size of Self-assembled CdSe Quantum Dots Grown on Zn1-xBexSe by Molecular-beam Epitaxy. Zhou X, Tamargo, M., Munoz M., Liu H., Couzis, A, Maldarelli, C., Huang, Y., and Malikova L. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 23, 1212-1216 (2005).
Island Surfaces: Fabrication. Liu, H., Maldarelli, C., Gilchrist, L. and Couzis, A. Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Schwarz, J., Contescu, C. and Putyera, P. (Eds.), Dekker, 1-12 (2005).
Molecular Dynamics Study of the Influence of Surfactant Structure on Surfactant Facilitated Spreading of Drops on Solid Surfaces. Shen, Y, Couzis, A., Koplik, J., Maldarelli, C. and Tomassone, M. Langmuir, 21, 12160-12170 (2005).
Interfacial Tension of Liquid Crystalline Drops. Rai, P, Denn, M and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 20, 5662-5669 (2003).
Measurement of the Kinetic Rate Constants for the Adsorption of Superspreading Trisiloxanes to an Air/Aqueous Interface and the Relevance of these Measurements to the Mechanism of Superspreading. Kumar, N., Couzis, A., and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 264, 412-429 (2003).
An Experimental Investigation of the Convective Instability of a Jet. Chaun, A., Maldarelli, C., Rumshitzki, D.S. and Papageorgiou, D. Chemical Engineering Science, 58, 2421-2432 (2003).
Fabrication of Surfaces with Nanoislands of Chemical Functionality by the Phase Separation of Self-Assembling Monolayers on Silicon. Fan, F., Maldarelli, C. and Couzis, A. Langmuir, 19, 3254-3265 (2003).
Fluorescence Evidence that a Phase Transition Causes the Induction Time in the Reduction in Dynamic Tension during Surfactant Adsorption to a Clean Air/Water Interface and a Kinetic-Diffusive Transport Model For the Phase Induced Induction. Subramanayam, R. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 253, 377-392 (2002).
Using Surfactants to Control the Formation and Size of Wakes Behind Moving Bubbles at Order One Reynolds Numbers. Wong, Y., Papageorgiou, D., and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 453, 1–19 (2002).
Controlled Cell Deformation Produces Defined Areas of Contact between Cells and Ligand-Coated Surfaces. Patrick, S., Kim, S., Braunstein, N., Maldarelli, C., Thomas, J. and Leonard, E. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 29, 1-8 (2001).
Formation of Nanometer Domains of One Chemical Functionality in a Continuous Matrix of a Second Chemical Functionality by Sequential Adsorption of Silane Self-Assembled Monolayers. Kumar, N., Steiner, C., Maldarelli, C., and Couzis, A. Langmuir, 17, 7789-7797 (2001).
Effects of Be on the II-VI/GaAs Interface and on CdSe Quantum Dot Formation. Guo, S., Zhou, X., Maksimov, O., Tamargo, M., Chi, C., Couzis, A., Maldarelli, C., Kuskovsky, I., and Neumark, G. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 19, 1635-9 (2001).
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Gaseous-Liquid Phase Transitions of Soluble and Insoluble Surfactants at a Fluid Interface. Tomassone, M.S., Couzis, A., Maldarelli, C., Banavar, J., and Koplik, J. Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 8634-42 (2001).
Phase Transitions of Soluble Surfactants at a Liquid Vapor Interface. Tomassone, M.S., Couzis, A., Maldarelli, C., Banavar, J., and Koplik, J. Langmuir, 17, 6037-40 (2001).
The Temporal Instability of a Compound Jet. Chaun, A., Maldarelli, C., Papageorgiou, D. and Rumshitzki, D. Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 420, 1-25 (2000).
Mobility control of surfactant-retarded bubbles at small and order one Reynolds numbers. Papageorgiou, D., Maldarelli, C. and Wang, Y. IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Waves in Multiphase Flow, Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 57, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 217-228 (2000).
Crystal Polymorph Selection with Template Directed Nucleation; Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs Under Stearic Acid Monolayer.s Couzis, A., Maldarelli, C., Hazair, S., and Green, D. 14th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Cambridge University Press (1999).
A Theoretical Model for Remobilization of Surfactant Retarded Bubble at High Bulk Concentration. Wong, Y., Maldarelli, C. and Papageorgiou, D. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 390, 251-270 (1999).
Marangoni Effects on the Motion of an Expanding or Contracting Bubble Pinned to a Submerged Tube Tip. Wong, H., Rumchitzki, D. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 379, 279-302 (1999).
The Linear Stability of a Two Phase Compound Jet. Chaun, A., Maldarelli, C., Papageorgiou, D. and Rumshitzki, D. Nonlinear Singularities in Deformation and Flow, Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium Series, Darbun, D. and Pearson, J. (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 151-162 (1999).
Phase Behavior of Soluble Polyethoxylate Monolayers at the Air-Water Surface and Its Effect on Dynamic Tension. Pollard, M., Pan, R., Steiner, C. and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 202, 112-130 (1998).
Theory and Experiment on the Measurement of Kinetic Rate Constants for Surfactant Exchange at the Air/Water Interface. Pan, R., Green, J. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 205, 213-230 (1998).
Measurement of Infrared Molar Absorptivity of a Surfactant Adsorbed Onto a Solid Substrate Over a Wide Range of Surface Concentrations Using Octadecyltrichlorosilane Langmuir Blodgettt Transferred Films. Kumar, V., Krishnan, S., Steiner, C., Maldarelli, C. and Couzis, A. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102, 3152 (1998).
Theory and Experiment on the Low Reynolds Number Expansion, Contraction and Detachment of a Bubble Pinned at a Submerged Tube Tip. Wong, H., Rumschitzki, D. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 356, 93-124 (1998).
Flow of a Train of Deformable Fluid Particles in a Tube. Chen, J. and Maldarelli, C. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 19, 651-661 (1998).
Temporal and Spatial Instability of an Inviscid Compound Jet. Chauhan, A., Maldarelli, C., Rumschitzki, D. and Papageorgiou, D. T. Rheol. Acta., 35, 567-583 (1996).
On the Surfactant Mass Balance at a Deforming Fluid Interface. Wong, H., Rumschitzki, D. and Maldarelli, C. Physics of Fluids, 8, 3203 (1996).
The Effect of Surfactants on the Motion of Bubbles and Drops. Maldarelli, C. and Huang, W. Flow of Particles in Suspensions, Schaflinger, U., (Ed.), CISM Courses and Lectures, Vol. 370, Springer Wien, 125-161 (1996).
Diffusive-Kinetic Adsorption of a Polyethoxylated Surfactant to the Air/Water Interface. Pan, R., Ennis, B., Green, J. and Maldarelli, C. Dynamic Properties of Interfaces and Association Structures, Pillai, V. and Shah, D. (Eds.), AOCS Press, 23-48 (1996).
A Theoretical Study of Remobilizing Surfactant Retarded Fluid Particle Interfaces. Wang, Y., Papageorgiou, D. and Maldarelli, C., Third Microgravity Fluid Physics Conference, NASA Conference Pub. #3338, 571-579 (1996).
The Creeping Motion of Pendant Bubbles at a Capillary Tip: Theory and Experiment. Wong, H., Rumschitzki, D. and C. Maldarelli, C. Boundary Elements XVII, Brebbia, C., Kim, S., Osswald, T. and Power, H. (Eds.), Computational Mechanics Publications, 669 – 676 (1995).
Effect of Cohesive Energies Between Adsorbed Molecules on Surfactant Exchange Processes: Shifting From Diffusion Control for Adsorption to Kinetic Diffusive Control for Re-equilibration. Lin, S., McKeigue, K., and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 10, 3442-3448 (1994).
Remobilizing Surfactant Retarded Fluid Particle Interfaces: II. Controlling the Surface Mobility at Interfaces of Solutions Containing Surface Active Components. Stebe, K. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 163, 177-189 (1994).
An Anisotropic, Elastomechanical Instability Theory for Electropermealization of Bilayer Lipid Membranes. Maldarelli, C. and Stebe, K. Electrical Trauma: The Pathophysiology, Manifestations and Clinical Management, Lee, R., Cravalho, E. and Burke, J. (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 327-360 (1993).
The Effect of Viscoelasticity on the Translation of a Surfactant Covered Newtonian Drop Quintana, G., Cheh, Y., and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 45, 81-103 (1992).
An Asymptotic Theory for the Linear Stability of a Core-Annular Flow in the Thin Annular Limit. Georgiou, E., Papageorgiou, D., Maldarelli, C. and Rumschitzki, D. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 243, 653-677 (1992).
The Double Layer Capillary Stability of an Annular Electrolyte Film Surrounding a Dielectric Fluid Core in a Tube. Georgiou, E., Papageorgiou, D., Maldarelli, C. and Rumschitzki, D. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 226, 149-174 (1991).
Diffusion Limited Interpretation of the Induction Period in the Relaxation in Surface Tension Due to the Adsorption of Straight Chain, Small Polar Group Surfactants: Theory and Experiment. Lin, S., McKeigue, K., and Maldarelli, C. Langmuir, 24, 159-172 (1991).
Remobilizing Surfactant Retarded Fluid Particle Interfaces: I. Stress-free Conditions at the Interfaces of Micellar Solutions of Surfactants With Fast Sorption Kinetics. Stebe, K., Lin, S. and Maldarelli, C. Physics of Fluids A, 3, 1-20 (1991).
The Axisymmetric Thermocapillary Motion of a Fluid Particle in a Tube. Chen, J., Dagan, Z., and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 233, 405-437 (1991).
The Size of Stagnant Caps of Bulk Soluble Surfactant on the Interfaces of Translating Fluid Droplets. He., Z., Dagan, Z. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 127, 88-102 (1991).
The Influence of Surfactant on the Motion of a Spherical Droplet in a Tube. Part I. Uniform Retardation Controlled by Sorption Kinetics. He., Z., Dagan, Z. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 222, 1-32 (1991).
Diffusion Controlled Surfactant Adsorption Studied by Pendant Drop Digitization. Lin, S., McKeigue, K., and Maldarelli, C. AIChE Journal, 36, 1785-1796 (1990).
Nonlinear Interfacial Stability of Core Annular Film Flows. Pageorgiou, D., Maldarelli, C. and Rumschitzki, D. Physics of Fluids, 2, 340-352 (1990).
The Remobilization of The Interfaces of Moving Bubbles and Drops Retarded By Surfactant Adsorption. Stebe, K. and Maldarelli, C. Argonne Laboratory Publications, CONF‑890611, 174‑184 (1989).
The Hydrodynamic Stability of Thin Films. Maldarelli, C. and Jain, R.K. Thin Films, Ivanov, I.B. (Ed.), Marcel Dekker Surfactant Science Series, Marcel Deckker, Chapter 8, 497‑568 (1988).
Surface Tension Retardation of Marangoni Waves. Dagan, Z. and Maldarelli, C. Chemical Engineering Communications, 64, 83‑105 (1988).
The Translation of a Newtonian Droplet in a 4‑Constant Oldroyd Fluid. Quintana, G., Cheh, H.Y. and Maldarelli, C. Journal of NonNewtonian Fluid Mechanics, 22, 253‑270 (1987).
Interrelationship Between Marangoni, Thin Film and Gradient Driven Instability Mechanisms: The Thin Film Problem. Nerad, B., Krantz, W.B. and Maldarelli, C. Proceedings of the 1987 ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Vol. II, Marto, P. and Tanasawa, I. (Eds.), 587‑ 594 (1987).
The Influence of Surface Tension on Propagating Chemo‑Hydrodynamic Waves. Dagan, Z. and Maldarelli, C. Chemical Engineering Science, 42, 1259‑1261 (1987).
The Flow in a Capillary Tube of an Alternating Train of Gas and Aqueous Segments Lubricated by an Annular Oil Film. Maldarelli, C. and Stebe, K. SIAM Proceedings of the Conference of Multiphase Flow, Papanicoli, G. (Ed.), SIAM Publications (1987).
The Influence of Long Range Intermolecular Forces on the Hydrodynamic Stability of Ultrathin Films. Maldarelli, C. AIChE Series on Thin Liquid Film Phenomena, 252, 14‑33 (1986).
A Mechanical Formulation of Chemical Induced Deformations of the Red Blood Cell Plasma Membrane. Maldarelli, C. and Dagan, Z. AIChE Series on Thin Liquid Film Phenomena, 252, 179‑190 (1986).
Surface Reaction Induced Instabilities in Cell Membranes. Jain, R.K. and Maldarelli, C. Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences, 404, 89-104 (1983).
The Linear, Hydrodynamic Stability of an Interfacially Perturbed, Transversely Isotropic, Thin, Planar, Viscoelastic Film: II. Extension of the Theory to the Study of the Onset of Small-Scale Cell Membrane Motions. Maldarelli, C. and Jain, R.K. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 90, 263-276 (1982).
The Linear, Hydrodynamic Stability of an Interfacially Perturbed, Transversely Isotropic, Thin, Planar, Viscoelastic Film: I. General Formulation and Derivation of the Dispersion Equation Maldarelli, C. and Jain, R.K. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 90, 233-262 (1982).
Stability of Symmetric and Unsymmetric Thin Liquid Films to Short and Long Wavelength Perturbations. Maldarelli, C., Jain, R.K., Ivanov, I., and Ruckenstein, E. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 78, 118-143 (1980).
Onset of Microvilli in Normal and Neoplastic Cells. Jain, R.K., Maldarelli, C. and Ruckenstein, E. AIChE Series in Biorheology, 74, 120-124 (1980).
Instability and Rupture of Thin Liquid Films. Jain, R., Ivanov, I., Maldarelli, C. and Ruckenstein, E. Dynamics and Instability of Fluid Interfaces, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 105, Sorensen, T. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 140-167 (1979).