Doctoral Graduate Student Ion Foam Flotation of Rare Earth Elements Using Amphiphilic Peptides With Lanthanide Binding Tags
Nicole Donovan
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with Jing Fan, Dept. of Mechanical Engr, CCNY
Subhabrata Das
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with Ponisseril Somasundaran, Dept. Earth and Environmental Engr, Columbia The Microhydrodynamics of Foams and Colloid Motion at an Interface
Subramaniam Chembai Ganesh
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with Jeff Morris, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, CCNY
Yu Han
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with Joel Koplik, Dept. of Physics, CCNY The Effect of Adsorbed Particles on the Electrocolaescence of Aqueous Droplets in Dielectric Fluids
Jessica Rosenberg
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with Joel Koplik, Dept. of Physics, CCNY The Dielectrophoretic Motion of Colloids At a Fluid Interface
Recent Graduates
Ankit Kanthe (2020)
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with Raymond Tu, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, CCNY A Study of the Adsorption Dynamics, Molecular Structure and Phase Behavior of Monoclonal Antibodies at the Air/Water Interface
Hao Zhou (2019)
Doctoral Graduate Student Co-advised with George John, Dept. of Chemistry, CCNY Ecofriendly Surfactants for the Chemical Herding Remediation of Maritime Oil Spills
Setareh Manafarisi (2018)
Microparticles in Microfluidics: A Lab on a Chip Microbead Array For Biodiagnostics and a Dielectrophoretic MicrodeviceFor Measuring Dielectric Constants of Colloids
Prenosis, Chicago, IL. (2018-)
Ali Mozzafari (2017)
Co-advised with Joel Koplik, Dept. of Physics, CCNY Self-Propelled Colloidal Locomotors At Boundaries
Postdoctoral Student, University of Chicago (2017 – )
Archit Dani (2016)
Particles and Drops at Interfaces: A Hydrodynamic Study
Intel Corp, Hillsboro OR (2017-)
Elizabeth Knapp (2015)
Active Colloidal Systems and Wettability of Solid Substrates in Oil/Water Systems
Avon, Suffern, NY (2015-)
Xiaoxiao Chen (2014)
A Microfluidic Microbead Based Array For Screening the Binding Interactions of Biomolecules
(ARL (2014-2016, Promotion in Motion, 2017-)
Nima Sharif-Mood (2014)
Co-advised with Joel Koplik, Dept. of Physics, CCNY The Diffusiophoretic Motion of Colloids
Postdoctoral student, University of Pennsylvania (2014-2016) Siemens PLM Software, Bellevue, WA (2016-)