Seminars – Spring 2018 Semester

Levich Institute Spring, 2018 Semester Seminar Schedule

All Levich Institute Seminars Scheduled on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM in Steinman Hall, #312

[Unless Otherwise Noted]

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Date                            SpeakerAffiliationSeminar Title/Notes
02/06/2018dreyzinProfessor Edward DreizinNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Chemical Engineering"Composite Metal-Based Reactive Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Combustion"
02/13/2018Dr. Tyler ShendrukRockefeller University
Center for Studies in Physics and Biology
"Dancing to Turbulence: Transitions Between Flow States in Confined Active Nematics"
02/27/2018maiaProfessor Joao MaiaCase Western Reserve University
Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
"Rheology and Microstructure of Dense and Semi-Dense Colloidal Suspensions"
03/06/2018NO SEMINARAPS March Meeting
03/13/2018NO SEMINARDue to snow storm, seminar rescheduled to 10/16/2018
03/20/2018Dr. Julie OppenheimerColumbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earch Observatory
"Three-Phase Suspensions and Interfacial Dynamics in Volcanology"
03/27/2018NO SEMINAR
04/03/2018NO SEMINARSpring Recess
04/10/2018moroneFlaviano MoroneCity College of CUNY
Levich Institute
"Ubiquity of K-core Percolation in Complex Networks"
04/17/2018NO SEMINAR
04/24/2018NO SEMINAR
05/01/2018Professor Charles MaldarelliCity College of CUNY
Levich Institute
"The Hydrodynamics of Colloid Particles at a Fluid Interface"
05/08/2018NO SEMINAR
05/15/2018Professor David SaintillanUniversity of California, San Diego, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department"From Bacteria to Chromosomes: Hydrodynamic Self-Organization of Biological Active Matter"