Special Seminar – Stéphane Zaleski – Thursday, 06/08/2023

Special Seminar Announcement, 06/08/2023

Professor Stephane Zaleski

Thursday, 06/08/2023
2:00 PM
Steinman Hall, Room #312

Stéphane Zaleski

Sorbonne University, Paris, France

“What Can Numerical Simulation Compared to Experiment Teach Us about Contact Line Dynamics”

Simultaneous Zoom Link: https://ccny.zoom.us/j/82028960649?pwd=UmxDMEVOa3JDN05SOFh5Z0Y4Ri92UT09
password:  pire


Despite the acute difficulties caused by the dynamic contact line singularity, numerical simulation of the contact line is actually much easier than commonly thought. The use of very simple regularisation such as the linear Navier  slip Boundary Condition yields results that are converged at least for contact line position although not for pressure. More complex boundary conditions, such as the superslip condition of Devauchelle, Josser and and the speaker, and recently revisited by Yash Kulkarni or the extrapolated angle generalized Navier boundary condition, developed by Mathis Fricke and the  ERC TRUFLOW group at Sorbonne University, offer further opportunities for a regularization of the equation. Using these conditions and others, we show how the widrawing plate experiment, the curtain coating or hydrodynamic assist experiments, or the vibrating pod experiments can be analyzed in Volume of Fluid numerics and experiments. 


  • 1985-1988 MIT Math Dept. 
  • 1989-1992 CNRS Ecole Normale Supérieure
  • 1992-now  Universite Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6 which changed its name to Sorbonne Université in 2019. 


The dynamic contact line, Phase field equations, parallelised interface tracking, the statistical convergence of atomisation simulation, mass transfer at large Schmidt numbers.