Levich Institute Special Symposium Seminar Announcement, 04/16/2019

Tuesday, 04/16/2019
2:45 PM
Steinman Hall, Room #124
(Steinman Hall Exhibit Room)
Professor Anubhav Tripathi
Brown University
Biology and Medical Sciences
“Adsorption and Transport Mechanisms in Developing Molecular and Cellular Diagnostics Platforms”
The past few decades of biomedical research has seen the emergence of powerful and transformational methods such as quantitative polymerase chain reaction, next-generation sequencing, and 3D cell culture for tissue engineering and drug discovery applications. Though impressive in their capabilities and tantalizing in their potential, these highly sophisticated technologies are still hampered by the same persisting problem that their forebears faced: sample preparation. While other aspects of atypical biomedical assay workflow have become highly automated—e.g., temperature cycling, electrophoresis, and fluorometric quantitation—for smaller labs and clinics or those who do not have access to large and expensive robotic liquid handlers, the sample prep process has generally not changed much in the last 20 years. Procedures such as nucleic acid purification remain manual, laborious and susceptible to human error, while newer technologies like 3D tissue self-assembly do not yet even have solutions for microtissue handling other than manual pipetting.
We are developing several microfluidic routes to understand complex biomedical reactions. Biomolecular transport, purification, amplification reactions, and sequence-specific identification define some of the key aspects of molecular and cellular diagnostics. We will give some examples to illustrate these aspects. We will present fundamental insights to microfluidic reactors for the detection of target RNA/DNA molecules. We will show critical aspects of isolation and separation of biomolecules using a mobile magnetic bead-based platform without any use of external flow system. We will discuss examples of extraction of viral RNA, isolation of circulating tumor cells and library preparation for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). The results of this study enhance our understanding of transport and reactions in microscale systems in diverse areas relevant to molecular and cellular diagnostics
Anubhav Tripathi’s research focuses on understanding biochemical and biomolecular processes in microchip environments. Projects include: developing continuous flow DNA and RNA amplification processes, rapid identification of Influenza subtypes, fast screens for protein folding and unfolding buffers, separation of protein isoforms, developing micro-bubble shells for detecting pathological conditions, and developing nanoparticle induced pathogen lysis.