Levich Institute Seminar Announcement
(Co-Hosted by the Chemical Engineering Department)
To be presented via Zoom
Tuesday, 10/27/2020
Tuesday, 10/27/2020
2:00 – 3:15 PM
Professor Daniel Bonn
University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics
“Small Droplet Aerosols from Coughing and Speaking and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission”
Zoom Link: https://ccny.zoom.us/j/93622463096
I will discuss the physics of coughing and speaking in relation to the production of small airborne aerosol particles that are a likely vector of Coronavirus transmission. Understanding the persistence of these aerosols in the air allows to make estimates of the likelihood of infection with the virus, and compare it to other routes of transmission. I will also discuss different strategies to avoid infection that you may find useful.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Bonn is the acting Director of the van der Waals-Zeeman Institute for experimental physics. of the University of Amsterdam. He is also Group Leader of the Complex Fluids Group, where about 40 researchers study the flow behavior of simple and complex fluids and solids. Before coming to Amsterdam, he was a CNRS research director at the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he led the Complex Fluids group for many years. He published more than 300 papers on wetting phenomena, complex fluids, hydrodynamics, mechanics, triblogy and the statistical mechanics of glasses.
Bonn is involved in a large number of industrial collaborations such as with Michelin, SKF and Unilever, Shell, DSM, Akzo Nobel, ASML etc. Bonn is also co-founder of the successful agro-food startup company GreenA that just received a Round A investment from a venture capital firm and now employs several people. His current research interests cover tribology, complex fluid rheology, hydrodynamic instabilities and of late the aerosol spreading of the Coronavirus.