Levich Institute Seminar – Tuesday, 09/17/2019

Levich Institute Seminar Announcement, 09/17/2019

Sophie Marbach

Tuesday, 09/17/2019
2:00 PM
Steinman Hall, Room #312
(Chemical Engineering Conference Room)

Dr. Sophie Marbach

NYU MRSEC Research Center

“Active Sieving : from Flapping Nano-Doors to Vibrating Nanotubes”



Filtering specific molecules is a challenge faced for several vital needs: from biomedical applications like dialysis to the intensive production of clean water. The domain has been boosted over the last decades by the possibilities offered by nanoscale materials. Filtration is however always designed according to a passive sieving perspective: a membrane with small and properly decorated pores allows for the selection of the targeted molecules. This inevitably impedes the flux and transport, making separation processes costly in terms of energy. Here we investigate alternative approaches to separation and filtration. We explore the possibility of non-equilibrium sieving, harnessing the difference in the molecular dynamics of particles to separate them across “active” nanopores.


Sophie Marbach is a post-doctoral fellow at the Courant Institute of New York University. She obtained her PhD from Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. Her main interest is to investigate out-of-equilibrium driven processes at the interface of biology, physics and chemistry at the small scales. She uses a number of theoretical and numerical tools with strong connections to experiments to answer open fundamental questions and to help building artificial devices. For example she recently showed how to draw inspiration from the human kidney to build an innovative filtration device.