Levich Institute Seminar Announcement, 02/11/2020

2:00 PM
Steinman Hall, Room #312
(Chemical Engineering Conference Room)
New York University
“Engineering Colloidal Matter“
Colloidal self-assembly is increasingly focused on the development of particles that mimic atomic and molecular properties. Atoms serve as inspiration for what simple but ideal building blocks are capable of. Through relatively few design principles, such as directionality, valence, and well-defined bonds, many target architectures become rationally accessible. In this talk, I will break down and categorize the wide selection of colloidal reactions available by using an analogy to synthetic chemistry, helping to index and navigate the ever-expanding colloidal toolbox. I will also discuss the most prominent colloidal interactions available for assembly. Drawing from many fields including colloid and surface chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, biochemistry, and photonics, molecular mimetic colloids represent a point of interest for any materials scientist.
- University of Bologna Bologna, Italy Industrial Chemistry Master of Science 2003
- Utrecht University Utrecht, Netherlands Physical Chemistry Ph.D. (cum Laude) 2007
- New York University New York, NY NY Rubicon Postdoctoral Fellow 2008-2013
- Associate Professor, Chemistry, New York University 2019-present
- Visiting Associate Professor, Physics, University of Chicago 2019-present
- Assistant Professor, Chemistry, New York University 2013-2019
Colloidal self-assembly