Levich Institute Seminar Announcement, 02/05/2019

2:00 PM
Steinman Hall, Room #312
(Chemical Engineering Conference Room)
Flatiron Institute
“Algorithms for Long- and Short-Range Interactions in Soft Active Matter”
Soft matter systems often show intriguing phenomena in large spatial scales and long-time scales, due to various long and short-range interactions between the building blocks. The long-range interactions are usually through Stokes flows and Laplace fields, while steric interactions are usually the dominant effect at short-range. For adaptive and flexible treatment of long-range interactions, the Kernel Independent Fast Multipole Method is extended to various boundary conditions. This algorithm is then extended to a new image formulation for half-space Stokes flows induced by point forces or particles. To handle the short-range steric interactions, we propose a new method based on constrained minimization to circumvent the stiffness of pairwise repulsive potential. In this new method, collision forces are computed based on the geometric constraint that objects do not overlap. All the discussed algorithms are parallel and scalable, and several applications on a few active matter systems will be discussed, including chemically active particles, microtubule network, and growing-dividing cells.
- Flatiron Institute of Simons Foundation, Research Scientist, 2018-
- Flatiron Institute of Simons Foundation, Flatiron Research Fellow, 2016-2018
- California Institute of Technology, PhD, 2011-2016
Cellular flow, active biological network, high performance computing, soft active matter