Andreas Acrivos
Albert Einstein Professor of Science and Engineering, Emeritus
[Currently in Stanford, CA]
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[To view full CV (in pdf), please click here]
- B.S. Syracuse University, 1950, Chemical Engineering
- M.S., University of Minnesota, 1951, Chemical Engineering
- Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1954. Chemical Engineering. Dissertation: A Theoretical Discussion of Steady and Unsteady State Multicomponent Rectification Including a Treatment of Mixtures with an Indefinite Number of Components. Research Director: Professor N.R. Amundson.
Academic Experience:
- University of California, Berkeley, Department of Chemical Engineering Instructor, 1954-55, Assistant Professor, 1955-59, Associate Professor, 1959-62.
- Stanford University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Professor, 1962-1988, Professor Emeritus, 1988-present.
- The City College of the City University of New York, Albert Einstein Professor of Science and Engineering and Director of the Levich Institute, 1988-2000
- The City College of the City University of New York, Albert Einstein Professor of Science and Engineering Emeritus, 2000-present
Major Awards:
- Humble Oil Lecturer, 1959
- Guggenheim Fellow, 1959.
- PRF Unrestricted Research Award, Type C, 1962
- A.P. Colburn Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1963.
- ASEE Lectureship Award, 1967.
- Professional Progress Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1968.
- William N. Lacey Lecturer, California Institute of Technology, 1972.
- Guggenheim Fellow, 1976.
- Elected to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, 1977.
- Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology, 1983-84.
- Warren K. Lewis Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1984.
- G.I. Taylor Medal, Society of Engineering Science, 1988.
- Fluid Dynamics Prize, American Physical Society, 1991.
- Elected to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 1991.
- Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1993.
- Bingham Medalist, Society of Rheology, 1994.
- New York Mayor.s Award for Excellence in Science and Technology, 1999.
- Institute Lecturer, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2000.
- The 2001 National Medal of Science (presented at the White House on June 12, 2002).
- One Hundred Chemical Engineers of the Modern Era, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2008).
- Elected corresponding member of the Academy of Athens (2011)
Honorary Doctor of Science Degrees:
- Syracuse University, 1993
- Illinois Institute of Technology, 1995
- New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1998
- University of Minnesota, 2000
- City College of CUNY, 2002
- University of Patras, 2003
- Clarkson University, 2005
Current Memberships:
- U.S. National Academy of Sciences (Member).
- U.S. National Academy of Engineering (Member)
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Fellow).
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Fellow)
- American Chemical Society (Member)
- American Physical Society (Fellow)
- Society of Rheology (Member)
Latest Publications:
- Drazer, G., Koplik, J., Khusid, B., and Acrivos, A. “Microstructure and Velocity Fluctuations i`n Sheared Suspensions”, J. Fluid. Mech. 511, 237 (2004).
- Drazer, G., Khusid, B., Koplik, J., and Acrivos, A. “Wetting and Particle Adsorption in Nanoflows”, Phys. Fluids 17, 017102 (2005).
- Acrivos A., and Jin, B., “Rimming Flows Within a Rotating Horizontal Cylinder: Asymptotic Analysis of the Thin-Film Lubrication Equations and Stability of their Solutions”, J. Engg. Math. 50, 99 (2004).
- 200. Drazer, G., Khusid, B., Koplik, J., and Acrivos, A., “Hysteresis, Force Oscillations, and Nonequilibrium Effects in the Adhesion of Spherical Nanoparticles to Atomically Smooth Surfaces”, PRL 95, 016102 (2005).
- Jin, B., Acrivos, A., and Muench, A., “The Drag-Out Problem in Film Coating”, Phys. Fluids 17, 103603 (2005).
- Kumar, A., Khusid, B., Qui, Z., and Acrivos, A., “New Electric-Field-Driven Mesoscale Phase Transitions in Polarized Suspensions”, PRL 95, 258301 (2005).
- Kumar, A., Khusid, B., and Acrivos, A., “Dielectrophoretic Trapping of Particles at the Three-Phase Contact Line”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 45, 6978 (2006).
- Kumar, A., Elele, E., Khusid, B., Qui, Z., and Acrivos, A. “Measurements of the Fluid and Particle Mobilities in Strong Electric Fields”, Phys. Fluids 18, 123301-1-10 (2006).
- Kumar, A., Acrivos, A., Khusid, B., and Jacqmin, D. “Electric Field Driven Formation of Particle Concentration Fronts in Suspensions”, Fluid. Dynamics Research, 39, 169 (2007).
- Kumar, A., Acrivos A., Khusid, B., James, C.D. and Jacqmin, D. “Conveyor-Belt Method for Assembling Microparticles into Large-Scale Structures Using Electric Fields”, Appl. Phys. Letters 90, 154104 (2007).
- Acrivos, A., Comment on ”Coating Flow of Viscous Newtonian Liquids on a Rotating Vertical Disk”, Phys. Fluids 22, 059101 (2010).
- Sangani, A. S., Acrivos, A. and Peyla, P. “Roles of Particle-Wall and “Particle-Particle Interactions in Highly Confined Suspensions of Spherical Particles Being Sheared at Low Reynolds Numbers”, Phys. Fluids 23, 083302 (2011).
- Microfluidic device for assembling and transporting microparticles has electrodes which are applied with alternating current (AC) voltage in sequenced manner to move high-gradient electric field within channel in substrate. Patent Number(s): US7744737-B1. Publ.Date 29 June 2010 Inventor(s): ACRIVOS A, JAMES C D, KHUSID B, KUMAR A Patent Assignee(s) and Codes(s):SANDIA CORP(LOCK-C) Derwent Primary Accession Number: 2010-H42750 [50]